I love your videos and I hope I could get some advice from you. What should you do if your family doesn’t approve of your career choice? I want to work in the travel industry because ever since I was a kid, I wanted to see the world. It’s what I love to do. But it just seems like my family doesn’t understand. I know they mean well but it still hurts that they’re unsupportive of your dreams.
The travel industry sounds absolutely amazing! I myself have been traveling a lot recently and let me tell you…the world… is… INCREDIBLE! There is so much out there to explore, see and EAT! Some of the food I’ve had has made me seriously question if I ever knew what love was before. I may have gotten engaged to an éclair in France. Our love was short…but delicious.
But you and I both already agree that traveling and seeing the world is AHMAZEBALLS…the problem is your family doesn’t think so. There are usually 3 main reasons family members don’t support a career choice.
1). They think it’s unstable and you won’t be able to support yourself on it!
This is the problem faced by many people, especially those who want to pursue a career in the arts.)
2). They are worried it’s dangerous.
My brother Michael once said he wanted to join the army…my mother was a hysterical wreck at the thought of her baby boy in harms way.
Luckily, Michael’s short-term memory is…lacking…and he quickly forgot he wanted to join the army and decided he wanted to be a “guy that trains dogs to do cool stuff like…stuff…that’s cool.”
3). They think the job will take you away.
Which the job you want will literally do just that!
The travel industry is a pretty stable and decent paying career…so I don’t think it’s #1. Now, travel can be dangerous, so there could be a bit of #2 in the mix. However, I’m going to put my money on #3. I’m betting you and your family are pretty close, and they don’t like the idea of you being so far away so often. In a lot of ways, it’s very sweet…BUT…it’s also not their life. In their heart of hearts they want you to be happy, and if working in travel makes you happy, then in the end (even if they don’t like it now) they will accept what you do and be proud of you (but in the beginning maybe snag them awesome souvenirs from your travels to let them know you’re thinking about them…and call home regularly!) Remember, life is a short and precious gift, and doing anything less than what makes you happy is a waste of that gift.
Till next time My Darlings!